Intense Pulse Light (IPL)

PhotoRejuvenation is a series of Intense Pulsed Light Treatments that improve the appearance of the skin, which include the signs of rosacea, flushing, sun damaged skin, age spots, skin texture, and photo aging. The treatment also improves mild acne scars, reduces large pores, corrects dark circles around the eyes, and reduces fine lines. This exciting treatment involves little or no down time. You can resume normal activities immediately. Dr. Gold and his staff are considered worldwide experts in this field, and Dr. Gold has helped pioneer IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) technology over the last 10 years.

Treatment options include:

Lumenis M22

The Lumenis M22 IPL procedure treats skin conditions such as rosacea, hyperpigmentation, and photodamage quickly and effectively, with little or no downtime. Frequently called a “photofacial,” IPL treatments aim to improve both skin tone and texture; these treatments can improve redness and flushing, two common complaints of patients with rosacea, while also smoothing fine lines and decreasing the size of enlarged pores. Lumenis M22 treatments can be completed in less than 30 minutes.

InMode Lumecca

Lumecca is an intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment, performed to improve skin conditions such as rosacea, hyperpigmentation, telangiectasias (“spider veins” or “broken capillaries”), and photo damage caused by the sun. Lumecca is the most powerful IPL treatment available, with many patients seeing dramatic improvement in skin tone in only one to two treatments.


How does the treatment work?

An intense light is applied in a series of gentle pulses over the treatment area. Without damaging the skin, the light penetrates through the skin and is absorbed by the abnormally dilated vessels or pigmentation. The heat impairs the vessel or lesion, and the body begins its natural healing process. The lesion will darken before it flakes off or is absorbed by the body. Treatment can be given as frequently as every three weeks.

What is a treatment like?

Treatment may vary from 15 to 45 minutes. First, the treated area is cleansed and a cool gel is applied. When the pulse of light is delivered, the sensation of discomfort is minimal. After treatment, the gel is removed, the skin cleansed, and a sun block is applied. A topical anesthesia can be used for maximum comfort, for sensitive skin a cool compress is applied following treatment.

Are there any possible side effects?

Side effects are rare. Immediately following treatment, the skin may appear flushed, brown pigmented spots may appear darker, and capillaries may be more visible. In rare instances, temporary swelling and/or blistering can occur. Limiting sun exposure for several weeks before and after treatment will greatly minimize the risk of complications.

What improvement will I see?

Patients have a high degree of satisfaction with their results. Many have seen 70% to 90% improvement. After successive treatments, the skin will feel smoother and appear to have a more even tone.

How many treatments will I need?

For optimal results, a series of 6 treatments are recommended. Some patients see significant improvement in 2 to 3 treatments; others require more. Follow-up treatments may be desired one to two times a year to maintain results.

What are the benefits of PhotoRejuvenation?

  • Treatment Improves Sun Spots, Age Spots, Dull Complexions, Uneven Pigmentation, Large Pores, Sun Damaged Skin, and Early Signs of Aging.
  • Treatment Improves Red Flushing Skin, Rosacea, and Broken Capillaries.
  • Enjoy Smoother Skin with a More Even Tone.

For more information, please contact The Laser and Rejuvenation Center.

Next, read about Photodynamic Therapy.

Global Center for Hair Restoration


2000 Richard Jones Road, Suite 220,
Nashville, TN 37215

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