How Dermatologists Address Acne Through Customized Treatment Plans

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How Dermatologists Address Acne Through Customized Treatment Plans

Acne is a frustrating problem that the majority of people struggle with at some point. It can be difficult to treat with over-the-counter products and attempts to treat it on your own can often leave you with skin that is dry, irritated, or prone to even more breakouts.

If you are suffering from acne breakouts, dermatologists have the best tools and acne treatments available to help you get your acne under control and regain the health of your skin. At Gold Skin Care Center in Nashville, TN, we offer many different solutions that can treat acne by getting to the root of what is causing the problem. With our services, we aim to prevent future breakouts, protect your skin from damage and scarring, and help heal the damage that has already been inflicted by past breakouts.

Understanding Acne and Acne Scarring

The cause of acne is well-known if not always easily treated. It often begins with the overproduction of sebum, an oily substance that is produced by the sebaceous glands in your skin. While this sebum helps to keep the skin moisturized, too much can mix with dead skin cells and eventually clog the pores. Clogged pores result in blemishes.

When bacteria is present in the clogged pores, it can become inflamed. This can lead to more serious and painful forms of acne such as cystic acne. These are the most likely types of acne to form acne scars. At our clinic, we provide treatments both to help minimize acne breakouts and acne scar treatments to help make your skin smooth again.

How Dermatologists Address Acne


The first step that dermatologists go through to address acne is consultation. During our consultations, we will gather your patient history, perform an assessment of your skin, identify the type and severity of your acne, and determine any underlying causes. We can also assess the severity of any acne scarring.

Customized Acne Treatment Options

After we have finished the consultation, we can begin to develop your customized acne skin care plan. With all of our acne treatment options, we can find something that addresses your particular concerns.

NeoClear ® by Aerolase® Acne Treatment

Patients of all ages can benefit from NeoClear treatments. This laser device targets bacteria and inflammation while also reducing sebum production. The laser light penetrates the skin and is absorbed by the hemoglobin in the blood vessels, constricting the blood vessels and reducing inflammation while also helping the skin to produce more collagen. This can improve the skin’s texture over time and discourage future acne breakouts.

Blue Light Treatments

Blue light is an effective acne treatment for many people because it targets the bacteria on the skin that can contribute to severe acne breakouts. During one of these acne light treatments, all the bacteria in the area can be eliminated, preventing breakouts. This treatment is comfortable and painless and can be performed in just a few minutes.

PhotoDynamic Therapy™

PhotoDynamic Therapy, or PDT, can be effective for acne vulgaris, acne rosacea, acne scars, oily skin, and more. This treatment includes the use of a topical photosensitizing agent known as Levulan® Kerastick® combined with a specific wavelength of light.

This light activates the topical agent which produces reactive oxygen species (ROS) that work to destroy bacteria on the skin. This process also helps to reduce inflammation and sebum production. To help improve acne, we may recommend one or more of these treatments.

Customized Treatments for Acne Scarring

If you have had breakouts of cystic acne or other acne that has destroyed facial tissue, you may have acne scarring. These scars can include triangular-shaped icepick scars, rounded crater-shaped rolling scars, or square-shaped boxcar scars. If acne scar removal is one of your main concerns, we can use treatments that tighten the skin, encourage collagen and elastin production, and help with cell turnover and tissue regeneration. Acne scar treatments can include:

  • EndyMed Intensif Fractional RF Microneedling
  • Lumenis Active FX Fractional Laser
  • AcuPulse Ablative Fractional Laser
  • Lumenis Deep FX Fractional Laser
  • NeoClear by Aerolase
  • And more

Providing Additional Care Tips and Guidance for Treating Acne

In addition to our laser, RF, and microneedling treatments, we can also help improve the health of your skin by identifying possible underlying causes for your acne and helping you adjust your lifestyle or diet to improve the health of your skin. We generally recommend cleansing your face twice daily with a gentle cleanser to help keep the oil from building up on the skin. You should always be gentle when touching your face and never use harsh products or rough washcloths that will irritate your skin.

It is also important to keep your hands away from your skin as much as possible and avoid picking, squeezing, or scratching the blemishes since this can cause acne scars. Finally, we may recommend an acne skincare routine that may include cleansers, moisturizers, astringents, and more.

Follow-Up Appointments

You should always find a dermatologist who is willing to provide follow-up care and who will be with you through every part of your acne treatment journey. At our skin care center, we are always here for follow-up or maintenance appointments to keep your skin in good condition.

Acne Treatments in Nashville, TN

Acne is an extremely common experience. While many young people have acne, it can be experienced by people of all ages. To find out more about our range of acne treatments, you can schedule a consultation at Gold Skin Care Center in Nashville, TN. We look forward to hearing from you by phone at (615) 625-6338 or online through our contact form.

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