What Anti-Aging Treatments Are Right for You?

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What Anti-Aging Treatments Are Right for You?

You take a good look in the mirror and notice more signs of aging on your skin, including fine lines and wrinkles. Aging is a natural process that can’t be avoided, but many people wish they could minimize the visible effects on their skin.

The good news is that Gold Skin Care Center has many tools at our disposal to help you fight back against the signs of time on the skin.

What anti-aging treatments are the right fit for you? Learn more about what you can expect from anti-aging with our skilled staff.

What Is Anti-Aging?

While many people come to Gold Skin Care Center to pamper themselves, anti-aging is one of the leading concerns of our patients. We have several treatments that can target the underlying causes of aging, but many people are wondering: What is anti-aging?

At our office, anti-aging refers to any treatment that can minimize the effects of the years on the skin. For many people, anti-aging treatments are designed to treat wrinkles, fine lines, folds, and furrows on the face that naturally come with age.

It is possible to get more youthful-looking skin by consulting with us to see what treatments are the best fit for your needs. For example, we would use a different product to smooth lines between your eyebrows than we would to target decreased volume in the cheeks. We even have solutions that can target the backs of the hands.

No matter what type of anti-aging treatment you are searching for, Gold Skin Care Center can help minimize the effects of aging to give you more youthful-looking skin.

Anti-Aging Treatments

Several different types of anti-aging treatments could benefit your skin. We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to these procedures, so we will customize a treatment plan specifically for you during an initial consultation.

However, you can learn more about some of our most popular anti-aging treatments below:

Dermal Fillers

Many people find that they lose volume in their faces as they grow older. Dermal fillers bridge the gap between your current facial volume and the volume you would like to see. Each filler has a unique purpose and mechanism, but the goal for most is to scaffold the body’s natural production of collagen.

As you age, your body produces less collagen, which can lead to a loss of volume. Quality dermal fillers have ingredients that give you an immediate boost to volume while kick-starting the body’s natural production of collagen for long-lasting effects.

Fillers can target significant folds and wrinkles, such as the nasolabial folds that extend from the nose to the corners of the mouth.

Dermal fillers are great if you want a solution to aging skin but don’t have much time to devote to pampering yourself. There is no downtime following these anti-aging treatments, which allows you to book a quick appointment on your lunch break or amid a busy schedule.


Neuromodulators are not the same as dermal fillers, though both are injected into the face with different effects. You might already be familiar with some of the top name brands of injectables, such as the following:

  • Botox
  • Dysport
  • Jeuveau
  • Xeomin

These anti-aging injectables target fine lines and wrinkles in various parts of the face, including around the eyes (crow’s feet), between the eyebrows (frown lines), and forehead lines. Fine lines are caused by repetitive facial movements after the skin becomes accustomed to holding these positions.

Neurotoxins like those found in these injectables relax the muscle and allow the skin over the top to smooth. As a result, you will see fewer fine lines while the neurotoxins are active. The best part is that these treatments tend to be long-lasting, with many showing results for as long as four months.

Much like dermal fillers, there is no downtime following your application of neuromodulators like Botox. You can go right back to your routine following a short 10- to 15-minute appointment.


Microneedling is similar to dermal fillers in that it naturally boosts the production of collagen and elastin in the face. During this anti-aging treatment, we will use a small handheld device filled with very tiny sterilized needles. We will move the device over the treatment area to create a series of micro-wounds.

The micro-wounds trigger the natural healing response of the skin. As you heal, the body will make more collagen in the treatment areas, which gives you a volume boost. This is why you may hear microneedling referred to as collagen induction therapy.


Another option is radiofrequency anti-aging treatments. When radiofrequency energy is applied to the skin, its benefits go beyond just anti-aging and a reduction in fine lines or wrinkles; it also helps diminish acne scarring and hyperpigmentation and reduces pore size. You may see an improvement in skin texture.

There are several radiofrequency treatments we can apply to the skin, including:

  • Venus Viva
  • Syneron Candela eMatrix
  • Morpheus8
  • Lutronic LaseMD Ultra
  • Sofwave

To determine which radiofrequency device is right to help you fight aging, book a consultation with our team to see which one is the best fit for you.

Book an Anti-Aging Consultation

There are many different approaches to anti-aging, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Allow Dr. Gold and our team to come up with a custom treatment plan that targets your unique concerns, whether they are forehead lines, crow’s feet, or a loss of volume.

Our Nashville, TN, office is ready to help you get more youthful-looking skin. Give us a call today to book your initial consultation!

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